Saturday, May 28, 2005

Graduation open houses

I had a fun time goin' to a lot of the graduation open-houses. Some were fun, others very boring because I didn't know anyone there, and my parents talked the whole time to them. At the Nelson's, a big picture of Angela hung on the front porch. Some people thought it was really her and waved, then got closer and eventually realized why "she" wasn't responding. The Dupré's was cool, 'cause a lot of my friends were there. We had fun throwing mini-size crab-apples at each other and sustaining many major injuries (really bad red welts). At the Esgar's, a small but very innovative fountain wasn't working. Water came out of a little spout and was supposed to fill up a little bucket attached to a bar until the bucket finally tipped over and poured the water into a little pool, and the process started over again. But the bucket wouldn't tip over. It would just fill up and water would spill out. So Mr. Esgar tried to fix it, but the next time it filled up, the bar that held the bucket was too loose and the bucket fell into the little pool! It was finally fixed after that. The food was very good at most of the houses, too. But I didn't eat much, 'cause I'm gonna have a big supper.


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