Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Origin of Venom

Well, I don't know much about Venom, but from what knowledge i've managed to gather from friends and the comic books, here's what I think happened (please correct me if i'm wrong):

One day, a guy was walking through the park with his girl friend. All of a sudden, a dark blue gooey alien thingie jumped on him and covered his whole body. The alien was a symbiote, so the guy can't live without it, and it can't live without him (they supply each other with necessary nutrients or food or vitamins or whatever). It apparently came from the moon, and there were also other symbiotes that "became one" with other people (Carnage, Spider-man, and others).
The End! Yay!

Venom is a trademark of Marvel and is copyrighted (or something).


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