Yes, Anime has its roots in a Japanese animator who lived long ago and observed American cartoons (Mickey Mouse, etc.), and liked the fact that they had weird features and did extreme things. He decided to take it a step further by creating what is now known as Anime or Japanimation. It emphasizes everything to the max-people's eyes, heads, and mouths(when opened) are huge, and many things that happen and that they do are...extreme. It can produce some cool action shots and awesome-looking characters, although, unfortunately, that means that many bad things are emphasized as well.
A post describing Howl's Moving Castle is on the way, RW.
Yes, Dani, it is 'sophie.' I will put you in my links. :P
Jeff, why do you keep changing your profile picture? I took a bunch of screenshots from Howl's Moving Castle using a program that I have, and I decided that this one would be an interesting profile picture.
Sorry, I had to delete the last two posts because Sam said there might be a new blog coming soon that would review b-movies.
thats an awesome picture. its really pretty.
That sounds great. Your really into this moving castle dookie huh? well, good 4 u !
"Dookie"? "Good 4 u"?.... uh, do you have something against it?
RW, Howl's Moving Castle is an anime movie.
Naaah... I just didn't know what to comment... Good ter be back.
anime (especially japanimation) can tend to becaome a bit... shall I say it, weird. Not THIS one of course though, it be clean.
Yes, Anime has its roots in a Japanese animator who lived long ago and observed American cartoons (Mickey Mouse, etc.), and liked the fact that they had weird features and did extreme things. He decided to take it a step further by creating what is now known as Anime or Japanimation. It emphasizes everything to the max-people's eyes, heads, and mouths(when opened) are huge, and many things that happen and that they do are...extreme. It can produce some cool action shots and awesome-looking characters, although, unfortunately, that means that many bad things are emphasized as well.
A post describing Howl's Moving Castle is on the way, RW.
i LOVE that movie!!! It has a nice adventure and a good romance in it...i love sophie(or however you shpell it) she is totally wicked sweet!!!
just out of curiousity danny's come i'm not on your links? WAY just kidding!!!!hehehehe
as wee all see this post is getting a bit... seasoned...
btw dan, why are you an old lady (prof. pic)... curiouus is all, hehehe. It is pretty awesome and funny though... hehe.
Yes, Dani, it is 'sophie.' I will put you in my links. :P
Jeff, why do you keep changing your profile picture?
I took a bunch of screenshots from Howl's Moving Castle using a program that I have, and I decided that this one would be an interesting profile picture.
yes dan, i am very happy now...see, it doesn't take much to please me.;) hm...yeah i think you need to post too...:) bye bye!!!
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