Thursday, November 24, 2005


Recently, I watched that old classic, "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory", and made note of some of the good quotes. Enjoy :)

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."
"Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker."
"Where is fancy bread, in the heart or in the head?"
"They always turn into blueberries..."
"I know what you're thinking. They can't be doing this. But they are."
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."
"She was a bad egg."
"Well, we still have each other. Shall we go on?"
"If the Great Lord had intended us to walk, he wouldn't have invented roller skates."
"Stop. Don't. Come back."
"Adieu, adieu, parting is such sweet sorrow."
"So little to do, so much time. Wait. Strike that; reverse it."
"Button, button, who's got the button?"
"Wrong, sir, wrong!! You get nothing! You LOSE!!"
"I said, good day!"
"So shines a good deed in a weary world."

"Will it go anywhere, grandpa?"
"It should, Charlie; it's got more gas in it than a politician!"

"But Charlie, don't forget what happened to the man who got everything he ever wanted."
"He lived happily ever after."

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Zany Olympics

Well, the "zany Olympics" youth group activity today was pretty zany. They started off with a devotion having to do with Olympics (from the passage about running the race and all that kind o' stuf). Then they held a ceremony where Mr. Mitten ran around the sanctuary twice carrying a fake torch, then "lit" the big torch, which was on a pedestal. After that everybody was split into teams and the games began. The first game was the "bottle race". 4 baby bottles were filled with Pepsi and then 4 volunteers (one from each team) drank it as fast as they could. It was funny to see them sucking so hard on the bottles. Then we had to do other stuff like fishing for mints in a vat of flour using only your mouth; fishing for rubber frogs in a tub of gooey rice with your foot; reaching into a bag and eating whatever you pull out as fast as you can(that was probably the weirdest and funniest one 'cause the food items were things like candied yams, Vienna sausages, carrot baby food, pudding, chicken bouillon cubes, and chewy candy:P) ; wrapping a person in a whole roll of toilet paper and then getting them to run across the floor of Hodge's Hall without letting the toilet paper rip; bobbing for apples as well as onions; feeding a donut covered in chocolate on the end of a string to a person laying on the ground with their mouth open; running a relay race while holding a spoon with an egg on it in your mouth; and probably other stuff! Yep, it was fun.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

hello again, everyone. Haven't been on here for a while. The Homecoming Banquet and games were pretty fun, weren't they? It's funny how people down here in the south like to have their food: last night there was a big banquet, today after the games a bunch of us went over to El Carrizo's, and tomorrow there will be a big meal after the morning service. And all of this eating is tied in with the Homecoming theme.
Starcraft is a cool game(if you've ever played it). The Protoss are the best, 'cause they have all the advanced technology, although their units cost a little more...