I put in a link to Friedrich Nietzche quotes from They're very interesting, although mostly wrong- his absolute hate for God is laced throughout all of them. See what you think...
You'll find many different things here, and I hope it will prove to be uplifting, funny, informative, encouraging, and interesting.
no friend of Bastiat,huh!
I forgot-what were Bastiat's theories and ideas? Didn't he write The Law?
Yes he did. He is the one who said that our rights to life,liberty and property come from God. He stressed individual dependance from government(which means he probably wasn't a big fan of taxes!).His philosophy can be compared to that of the 1950's american family as opposed to the more social-democrat based philosophy of today.
Mmm... it all comes back now. Mr. Mac likes him...
Jeff, is that you? Or, Sam? Who is this 'anonymous'?
the only true fear of mankind is the unknown.
not everyone is afraid of the unknown that christians don't have to be afraid of is death, i know i'm not.
and the only reason why we fear the unknown in the first place is because we don't trust God. and we want to be in control of everything.
People can fear things that they've seen and experienced before; they can be haunted by their ever-looming memories.
It irks me when people are shadowy and enigmatic. Who are you (both of you)?
I'm sorry friend, but you are mistaken very much so. I am not trying to come off as arogant, but ponder upon this: The bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom. The reason we fear him is because he may do something negatively affecting us, and in turn making what he does unknown. If we knew what he was going to do, it would take the grasping effect of fear away from the Lord's wrath. Thank you for your imput though. Without it I would have never seen this point you have brought up.
Actually, Jeff (I think that's who you are), "the fear of the Lord", fearing his divine hand of wrath in our lives, etc., is probably not the same fear we are talking about. It is more likely describing a healthy desire to follow God and His commandments, and a meek attitude of subjection to Him.
well, not worth arguing about
I wish I was 250
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