Monday, September 26, 2005


For no apparent reason at all, I will now pour out the mushy gray contents of my brain.

Last night, I had 2 dreams, and they both were in video game format. The first one was about me inside some sort of fortress/castle. I had to fight my way through various traps and puzzles, as well as fight off enemies and bosses. The second dream was also in medieval times, and it was about me fighting with a group of people against another kingdom/country. The ruler of the enemy kingdom had given our ruler some pills (I don't know what they were supposed to do when you swallowed them) and had challenged him to give them to his daughter to swallow. Our ruler actually did it, and thankfully nothing happened to his daughter. Well, the enemy ruler was so surprised that our ruler had actually done it that he surrendered(don't ask me why).

Right now I'm wearing a shirt that says "faith wrestling". I got it last year when I was on the Faith Christian School wrestling team. That brings back many memories. In fact, I only won one wrestling match in the whole season. My opponent was a 60-lb. guy who didn't really know what he was doing. I tried out my favorite move on him, the "fireman's carry". I never was actually able to pin him, but when the time was up the scoreboard showed that I was up by 12 points(which is a lot in wrestling).

Some other random contents of my brain/things I'm thinking about: a certain someone, whether or not we'll have a soccer game tomorrow, and happiness because I have today and tomorrow off from school!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

awwwwwwww........she's so cute..........: )

Yup. guess who "she" is! None other than our new Shih Tzu, Star! She's a very good dog, 'cause she doesn't jump around and bother us all the time (like some of our previous pets).

Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Origin of Venom

Well, I don't know much about Venom, but from what knowledge i've managed to gather from friends and the comic books, here's what I think happened (please correct me if i'm wrong):

One day, a guy was walking through the park with his girl friend. All of a sudden, a dark blue gooey alien thingie jumped on him and covered his whole body. The alien was a symbiote, so the guy can't live without it, and it can't live without him (they supply each other with necessary nutrients or food or vitamins or whatever). It apparently came from the moon, and there were also other symbiotes that "became one" with other people (Carnage, Spider-man, and others).
The End! Yay!

Venom is a trademark of Marvel and is copyrighted (or something).

Friday, September 16, 2005


Venom is the most wicked awesome comic book/Marvel character there is. He is dark blue and has hundreds of very sharp teeth as well as an extremely long tongue. He is a Symbiote, which means he consists of a normal human and a symbiote-alien-thingie that wraps around him to form his "suit".

no more time, gotta go, goodbye, adios, see ya later, and by the way, the next post is: The Origin of Venom!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

vort guy

Originally uploaded by puppyman3.
a vortian technician is telling zim it would be crazy to try to remote-control The Massive (the irken flagship).


Originally uploaded by puppyman3.
"I will make you suffer large, alien!"

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Originally uploaded by puppyman3.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

What happened when I moved cont'd.

Anyway, when I came to Georgia, it was so cool. The people are very friendly, and all of the bible studies and chapels and services are on such a personal level. It's amazing how much I've grown in my walk with the Lord.
This church is also amazing. It is a very soul-concerned church, and they have Wednesday afternoon teen visitation as well as Thursday night visitation. I'm also in the Soul-Winners' club, which invovles going to a class on Thursday night (before visitation) in which we watch a video, and we have homework, etc.
I've heard that a man once said,"I'm not from the South, but I got here as fast as I could," and I believe that that summarizes my feelings exactly.

see ya(more zim pics comin')